Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wii Fit...

Well, technology just keeps adding to our lives doesn't it? We are now the owners of a Wii Fit. Finally got all the pieces on Thursday (wii console and wii fit), with flight delays & cancellations due to the volcano erupting in Alaska. I have been a faithful user of it since its arrival. It is quite fun, motivating, keeps you moving, and I am actually sore - so it must be making me use some muscles that were not used prior to its arrival.

The exercise categories are balance, yoga, aerobics, and strength. When you begin, the Wii Fit does body measuring - it measures weight, bmi, and balance/agility and provides you with your Wii Age.... Yes, it is brutally honest depending on how you do with your balance/agility test, weight & bmi, and will provide you with an age that may be either above your own, or below your own (yay). Like today - I was "40". Liking the wii fit today :) One day I was in my 30's - that was a wonderful day. Larry's first Wii age was 66 - I still give him a hard time about that.

When you begin "training", you are given a gift of a piggy bank. This bank is to collect & tally your daily minutes of exercise. I have put in over one hour a day so far and try to equally balance my activities in all of the areas. It actually has positive reinforcement built into the program, as the more time you put in exercising you unlock more games and activities.

My favorites so far are the advanced step aerobics, hula hoop, rhythm boxing (all aerobics), ski slalom, penguin, and bubble in the river (all working on balance). I also am enjoying the yoga - and especially like the breathing visual & sound to remind you to breathe. I tried push ups on the strength, and found it to be quite difficult to do using the balance board as your hands seems to slide.

So, more experimenting to be sure needs to be done. But, so far - I'd highly recommend it.

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